Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant ‘TESAMMANS’ Collection

House-proud people will soon have an opportunity to brighten up their homes and living environments when IKEA and Raw Color unveil the TESAMMANS collection onto the IKEA market in April 2024.

Dutch design duo Raw Color and IKEA proudly launched the limited edition TESAMMANS collection to help people bring joy and colorful character to their homes through everyday items.

The new collection epitomizes how harmoniously different colors can interact with their surroundings to give life to homes. TESAMMANS was inspired by Raw Color’s unique design language and how they created special connections between various colors, materials, and shapes. The resultant cost-effective collection consisted of 18 pieces of furniture, textiles, and decorations revolving around awe-inspiring color combinations and playful patterns.

According to Raw Color’s Christoph Brach, they have an emotional and intuitive approach to color, “exploring how different shades interact to enhance each other”.

From the knitted TESAMMANS throw with separate yet solid colors to three lampshades transitioning from dark to light tones, each piece in the TESAMMANS collection is a work of art.

IKEA of Sweden creative leader Maria O’Brian said the goal of the TESAMMANS collection was to inspire people to express themselves and bring joy into their lives and homes.

“It’s a collaboration that enables people to add unique design pieces and create colorful spaces to reflect their personality”.

The TESAMMANS collection will be available in all IKEA markets in April 2024 for a limited time.

IKEA TESAMMANS bordslampa PH197421 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Table Lamp. Lamps are designed to produce light, but this TESAMMANS table lamp illuminates a room without even being turned on. It’s a statement piece all on its own, with a stacked design of light-to-dark tones that add fun personality to any space. The three lamp shades also allow for different light reflections for added character.

IKEA TESAMMANS bricka PH197419 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Trays and Tealight Holders. You can make a statement as soon as your guests enter your home with TESAMMANS trays and tealight holders. The combination of purple and green is beautifully coordinated and makes any hall or entryway feel warm, welcoming, and inviting. Best of all, the bright colors may make it less likely for you to lose your keys!

IKEA TESAMMANS forvaring PH197399 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Storage Unit On Castors. Who says storage solutions have to be boring? You can inject fun and excitement into any bedroom or living space with this TESAMMANS storage unit on casters. Each storage section has its own unique color scheme, with all three units contributing to a striking design overall. Best of all, it’s on wheels to be entirely mobile around your home.

IKEA TESAMMANS hangande dekoration PH197420 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Hanging Decoration. Hanging mobiles aren’t just for children. You can inject happiness, serenity, and style into any bedroom with this unique and vibrant TESAMMANS hanging decoration. You’ll be able to spend hours watching the purple, pink, green, and orange shapes move and catch the light. These hanging decorations are a charming addition to any space.

IKEA TESAMMANS karaff PH197413 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Carafe and Glasses. Raw Color and IKEA have turned something ordinary into something extraordinary with the TESAMMANS carafe and glasses. While practical for drinking, they’re like little art pieces for the average dining table or picnic set. The beautiful pale pink and light brown glasses capture the best of the surrounding light. They also fit perfectly on top of the light blue carafes.

IKEA TESAMMANS kollektion PH197402 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Throw. Throw blankets don’t just have to be boring and practical. They can be statement décor in your home while keeping you warm on those cool winter days. According to Raw Color, this unique throw throws visual perception on its head by incorporating graphic lines and solid colors that blend into one hue. It’s only once you’re up close that you notice all the individual colors.

IKEA TESAMMANS kruka PH197417 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Mug, Napkins, and Wall Clock. Your working-from-home space should be a hub of creativity, and this TESAMMANS mug, napkins, and wall clock ensure it is. You can’t help but feel alive and inspired by the vibrant burst of color from the bold wall clock that takes pride of place on your wall, paired with a matching mug and napkins.

IKEA TESAMMANS kuddfodral PH197410 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Cushion Covers and Throw. Liven up your living room with gorgeous matching TESAMMANS cushion covers and a throw. Despite the ‘wildness’ of the colors and patterns, they still appear coordinated and work in harmony with their muted surroundings.

table 4 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Side Table. Despite looking like a sweet treat, this TESAMMANS side table is a practical and eye-catching piece of storage furniture to take pride of place in your living room. It boasts corrugated steel sheets and has a removable lid to reveal innovative storage space underneath.

IKEA TESAMMANS taklampskarm PH197411 - Sneak Preview: IKEA and Raw Color Collaborate to Reveal the Vibrant 'TESAMMANS' Collection
Photo: IKEA

TESAMMANS Lampshade. Meal times will look altogether different when these TESAMMANS lampshades take pride of place above your dining table. The unique triple shades in three bold colors produce beautiful light reflection variations, allowing for a memorable dining experience every day.

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