This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques

Teardrops have been available as build-your-own projects for decades. You can find ads for kits and plans in old magazines from the 1930’s and 40’s. Some of these are pretty sophisticated, but others are clumsily-built, and look and feel cheap. The boat-building kit company Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC) decided to take the same boatbuilding materials and techniques they have been refining for 25 years and create a teardrop trailer and they offer

TeardropKayaks - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques The result is a 5′ x 8′ (1.5 x 2.4m) teardrop, that’s a lot more elegant than the common “canned ham” teardrop designs.

teardrop1 - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques The teardrop features marine plywood panels, epoxy and taped seams, a sculpted fiberglass shell, doors and hatches, and a galley.

tdt 52 build woodparts - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques If you’ve ever made a stitch-and-glue kayak or similar, you’ll be an old-hand at putting one of these together in no time.

tdt 1 build stitching - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques All you need to do is buy the kit and a trailer and follow the supplied instructions.

Chesapeake Light teardrop 6 - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques If you’re impressed with the exterior, you will be more than impressed with what’s hidden inside. It looks relatively compact on the outside, but you will be surprised with how much interior room you have. You can fit two adults up to 6’6″ (198cm) quite comfortably, all the while having room to spare for your clothing and bedding as well.

Chesapeake Light teardrop 7 1 - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques There are doors on both sides, a roof hatch for ventilation and access, and space for a 12-volt electric system too. Therefore, there’s no problem if you want to run lights, entertainment systems, or charge your mobile devices.

teardropcamper galleymodule fitted out - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques In the rear of the trailer is a galley which you can use for all manner of things. However, if you require it for storage, you can choose a shelving unit as part of the kit option.

Build your own mobile camping pod with CLC Teardrop Camper kit 1 - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques The simplicity of this design is incredible, yet it works so well for so many different occasions. You can take it camping, on long road trips, or even as a “just in case” option should you find yourself weary after a long day of driving.

Build your own mobile camping pod with CLC Teardrop Camper kit 7 1 - This Build-Your-Own Teardrop Camper Kit Takes Its Inspiration From Boat-Building Techniques The price for the base kit is $2845, the storage box is an additional $469, and the galley module clocks in at $337.

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